Personal and academic blog. Explores the borderlands between rhetoric, politics and intelligence.


Openness gives you a tan

While sitting in the lunch room of my temporary study at the Royal Library in Copenhagen, I found news in the local free paper Urban about Professor Sir Lawrence Freedman's new book on the Falklands War. Freedman (with whom I studied Conduct of Contemporary Warfare) has had full access to Ministry of Defence's archives and all the new information has captivated the mind of Copenhagen's local Newpaper hacks. Aint that nice?

On another note, the new comprehensive history of Danish Foreign Policy has had unlimited access to the Foreign Ministry's archives, providing a fascinating read on contemporary history.

It makes it worthwhile sitting inside...


Open CRS Network

The Congressional Research Reports are published several times a month but are not available to the public directly, even though they aren't classified. The Federation of American Scientists have published them ongoing, but finally all of them have been collected and are published online.

Good that at least some people (other than dissertation students) are working during this glorious summer...

You can find them here.


Svære valg

Hvem ville du helst kunne give en fyreseddel: Journalisten eller forskeren?

Set på Berlingske:

Det er på de solrige fridage, at risikoen for at blive solskoldet er størst. Det fremgår af en ny dansk undersøgelse.


Things are a' changin'

The intelligence community needs to change. That's a claim that is chanted by most intelligence scholars. Now the good people in the RAND is joining in with a new report Toward a Revolution in Intelligence Affairs.


Nis on terrorism in JDL

You can now read my article 'Dialogue with the Devil? Bin Laden and the Rhetorical Construction of a Strategic Persona' in the Journal of Diplomatic Language, which is an online journal.



No foot-notes in the JDL version. Download a PDF version in my Papers section.


Spanish Intelligence History

They are indeed rare. The comprehensive histories of western intelligence services. So far Olav Riste's work on the Norwegian intelligence is the most outstanding example.

But now Antonio M. Diaz has written "Los Servicios de Inteligencia Espanoles" about the Spanish service from the civil war to 11 March 2004.